14 HashMyFiles Alternatives

HashMyFiles is a free software utility developed by NirSoft that allows users to calculate the hash values of MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 files in a directory. Hash values are unique digital fingerprints used to verify the integrity of files, detect file tampering or corruption, and ensure data authenticity. It offers a user interface and has several options for calculating hash values, including choosing the hash algorithm, selecting multiple files, and copying the hash results to the clipboard or a file. Overall, HashMyFiles is a valuable tool and handy for users who frequently transfer or download files from the internet and want to ensure that data file is error-free.


  • Calculating hash values
  • Integrate files
  • User interface
  • Detect file temping

HashMyFiles Alternatives

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14 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: August 20, 2024

RapidCRC Unicode is an open-source program and a powerful tool for checking the integrity of files by generating and verifying CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) codes. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it a convenient and reliable option for users who need to ensure the accuracy of their files. RapidCRC Unicode makes it easy for the file or folder you want to verify, and the program will generate a CRC code based on the file's contents. It allows users to quickly…

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