17 Jaikoz Alternatives

Jaikoz is a tool based on a Java program used for editing and tagging music files; Jaikoz works by generating auratic fingerprints from music files using acoustled services. Jaikoz uses a relatively unusual spreadsheet metaphor for viewing and editing and allows editing of over fifty fields using this spreadsheet interference. Undoubtedly it is a mighty top editor, making the work of organizing a massive music collection a bit easier and faster. The best thing about the Jaikoz is that manual editing is minimal. With Jaikoz, you can rename files, fix mistakes and add ID taps in your music files in a much easier and more comfortable way


  • Easy to use tap editor
  • Highly efficient
  • Works in both automatic and manual modes
  • Flexible features
  • Easy to access

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Updated on: August 22, 2024

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