20 Cartoons Like Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird

Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird is a 1985 musical comedy film based on the popular children’s television series “Sesame Street.” The movie follows the beloved characters from Sesame Street as they set out on a cross-country adventure to find Big Bird, who has been kidnapped by social workers who want him to live with his kind of bird. Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird features a star-studded cast of celebrities, including John Candy, Chevy Chase, Waylon Jennings, and numerous Muppets from the “Sesame Street” universe. The movie is notable for its catchy songs, fun set pieces, and positive messages about the importance of friendship, diversity, and acceptance.


  • Comedy movie
  • Spread positivity
  • Lessons
  • Friendship

Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird Alternatives

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Updated on: June 20, 2023

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