13 Geni.com Alternatives

Geni.com is a social networking website that allows users to create and collaborate on family trees. The website was launched in 2007 and was acquired by MyHeritage in 2012. Geni.com enables users to build their family tree by adding relatives and information about them, such as birth and death dates, photos, and stories. Users can also collaborate with other family members to fill in missing information and make corrections. The website’s family tree builder automatically searches for matches with other users’ family trees and provides suggestions for potential partners. Geni.com offers both free and paid membership options. Free members can create and edit family trees, invite family members to collaborate and search for other users’ family trees.


  • pieces of information
  • simple interface
  • free and paid
  • Search easily

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12 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: April 16, 2023

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