11 AnonAddy Alternatives

AnonAddy is an open-source online service that provides users with an anonymous email address to protect their online privacy. It allows users to create multiple aliases for different purposes, such as online shopping or signing up for newsletters. AnonAddy will enable users to keep their email addresses private and receive important emails. It also provides valuable features to block unwanted emails, set up custom filters, and more. In addition, it gives TLS encryption for organizations to protect their privacy online. Further, AnonAddy offers an easy-to-use interface to access quickly and is a valuable tool for users to stay safe and reliable on the internet.


  • Open source platform
  • Anonymous email forwarding
  • Multiple aliases
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Safe and secure environment

AnonAndy Similar to

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AnonAddyAlternatives Information

10 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: August 22, 2024

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