36 Cartoons Like Archer

“Archer” is an animated spy sitcom created by Adam Reed. It first premiered on FX on September 17, 2009, and has since aired for eleven seasons. The show follows the life of Sterling Archer, a suave and highly skilled spy who works for the fictional spy agency ISIS (later renamed to the Figgis Agency). The show praises its voice acting, animation, and writing. The characters have faced various challenges and obstacles while dealing with their issues. In addition, the show was on the air in 2009 and amassed a large fanbase. Further, the Archer offers themes of a unique blend of humor and action and has become a staple in adult animation.


  • American adult sitcom
  • Animated content
  • Pop culture
  • Unique humor themes
  • Popular action TV show

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Updated on: May 6, 2023

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