16 Google Maps Alternatives

Google Maps is a widely used app developed by Google and first launched in 2005 provides excellent service to its users. It provides satellite imagery, street maps, and planning routes for traveling by foot, car, bicycle, or public transportation. With over a billion users worldwide, Google Maps has become essential for finding locations and exploring new places and cities. It is a web-based mapping service that allows users to navigate easily through their android phones and other devices to explore the world. It uses for various purposes, including getting directions, finding nearby businesses, and exploring new areas; it also provides real-time traffic updates and public transportation information.


  • Widely used
  • Mapping service
  • Exploring new areas
  • Easy to navigate
  • Real-time traffic updates

Google maps Alternatives

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16 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: August 22, 2024

iSharing is an online web application and a location-tracking app designed for families and friends to stay connected. It allows users to share their real-time location, set up safe zones, and receive notifications alerts when they enter or leave destination areas. It allows users to send an SOS message to their emergency contacts with just one tap. iSharing provides the best locator service and can be used to track multiple users; also helpful for parents keeping an eye on their…

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