10 JasperReports Alternatives

JasperReports is a popular open-source tool for creating and designing reports in PDF, HTML, CSV, and more formats. It is written in Java and can be integrated into Java-based applications to generate reports dynamically. JasperReports allows users to define report layouts, create complex data queries, and customize the visual appearance of words. In addition,

it supports a wide range of data sources such as SQL databases, XML files, and JavaBeans. Further, JasperReports offers a user-friendly interface and flexibility. It has become an excellent solution for businesses and developers to gain valuable insights from their data and look for a robust reporting tool to meet their needs.sasdasd


  • Popular platform
  • Java-based app
  • XML files and database
  • Complex data queries
  • User-friendly interface

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9 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: April 16, 2023

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