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Lumen is a PHP micro-framework designed to build fast and lightweight web applications and APIs.it Is built on top of the Laravel framework, known for its speed and performance. It is designed to be even faster and more lightweight than Laravel, making it ideal for building microservices and APIs. It provides a simple and intuitive routing system that allows users to define their application’s URLs and HTTP methods. The routing system also supports route caching, which can significantly improve the performance of your application. Supports middleware, which is a way to add additional functionality to the user application’s request-response cycle. It can be used for authentication, logging, and input validation tasks.


  • Middleware
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Routing
  • Speed

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Updated on: April 15, 2023

Skout is a social networking app that helps you connect with new people in your area or worldwide. It allows users to find new people based on their interests and location. Users can browse through profiles and connect with people who share their interests. Skout lets users see the profiles of people they have crossed paths. Users can send text messages, photos, and even virtual gifts. It will enable them to user connect with people in person. Users can use…

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