14 MultiHasher Alternatives

MultiHasher is an easy-to-use hash calculator that computes multiple hash values from a single input. MultiHasher algorithms generate multiple output values and offer practical algorithms for various applications, including data integrity verification, password storage, and digital signatures. It also provides security access by making it more difficult for attackers to reverse the original input data. Some examples of popular MultiHasher algorithms include SHA-3, BLAKE2, and Skeins, and they are used in various cryptographic protocols, including blockchain technology and secure messaging systems. Further, it offers smooth interface support for windows and Linux and has become an essential tool in modern cryptography to maintain digital communications and transactions.


  • Hash calculator
  • Multiple hash integrity
  • Blockchain technology
  • User-friendly interface

MultiHasher Alternatives

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14 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: August 20, 2024

RapidCRC Unicode is an open-source program and a powerful tool for checking the integrity of files by generating and verifying CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) codes. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it a convenient and reliable option for users who need to ensure the accuracy of their files. RapidCRC Unicode makes it easy for the file or folder you want to verify, and the program will generate a CRC code based on the file's contents. It allows users to quickly…

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