16 Anime Like Silver spoon

Silver Spoon is a coming-of-age manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. The story follows the life of Yuugo Hachiken, a city boy who enrolls in an agricultural school in Hokkaido to escape the pressures of his family’s high expectations. Despite his initial struggles with the rural lifestyle, Hachiken learns to appreciate the hard effort and camaraderie of his classmates, who come from diverse backgrounds and aspire to different careers in the agricultural industry. Throughout the Silver Spoon series, Hachiken confronts themes of identity, ambition, and the ethics of animal husbandry. Further, Silver Spoon has received critical acclaim for its realistic portrayal of farm life and endearing characters.


  • Popular manga series
  • City boy story
  • Ambition themes
  • Realistic content
  • Farm life

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Updated on: April 17, 2023

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