18 Apps Like VideoPsalm

Videopsalm is a free software for worship presentations used in churches for projecting song lyrics, bible verses, and multimedia content during worship services. The user interface of Videopsalm is intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible even for users with little technical expertise. It is a central component of free worship, with individuals encouraged to sing, play instruments, or dance to express their devotion. It usually focuses on prayer, with to pray aloud or silently as they feel led. Videopsalm has built-in audio playback capabilities, enabling users to play music and sound effects during their presentations.


  • Easy to use
  • Spontaneity
  • Music
  • Customizable

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Updated on: February 5, 2024

Videopsalm is a free software for worship presentations used in churches for projecting song lyrics, bible verses, and multimedia content during worship services. The user interface of Videopsalm is intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible even for users with little technical expertise. It is a central component of free worship, with individuals encouraged to sing, play instruments, or dance to express their devotion. It usually focuses on prayer, with to pray aloud or silently as they feel led.…

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