Akame ga Kill

Madiha Azeem

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Akame ga Kill

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Madiha Azeem

17 Anime Like Akame ga Kill

Akame ga Kill is a Japanese series written by Takahiro and adorned by Tetsuya Tashiro. The story follows Tatsumi, a young warrior who sets out to the Imperial Capital to make a name for himself and earn money to save his village. However, he soon discovers himself caught up in a revolution against the corrupt government and joins the Night Raid, a group of assassins committed to bringing down the ruling regime.

In the series of Akame ga Kill, Tatsumi becomes more involved with Night Raid, and he begins to see the darkness and corruption of the government firsthand. The series survey themes of justice, morality, and the cost of revolution, as Tatsumi and Night Raid fight against the corrupt forces of the Empire.


  • Dark fantasy
  • Action-packed
  • Ensemble cast
  • Tragic elements

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Updated on: August 21, 2024
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