19 Coolors Alternatives

Coolors is an online platform and a fast color palette generator that helps designers create beautiful color schemes for their projects. It has a user-friendly interface and a vast library of pre-made palettes, making it easy to find the perfect combination of colors for any design need. Users can start by generating a random color palette or can upload an image and extract the colors from it. Coolors also allow users to adjust each color’s hue, saturation, and brightness. In addition, Coolors also offers other design resources, such as gradient generators and pattern makers. Further, it provides social media community that helps designers create eye-catching and cohesive designs.


  • Faster color generator
  • Color scheme
  • Pre-made palette
  • Adjust hue and brightness
  • Custom gradients

Coolors Alternatives

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Updated on: August 22, 2024

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