16 Connected Alternatives

Connected is the latest application and a framework that enables external applications to integrate using APIs and standard protocols. It allows users to enhance their connectivity with families and friends by providing a platform for sharing information and communicating sources. It designs to help people to stay connected with their loved ones, friends, and colleagues. It offers a messaging source, including chat, video calls, photo sharing, and many more. You can customize profiles, create groups, and invite friends to join the community. It is easy to use, and anyone can download it from the app store. Further, it provides a user-friendly interface to run on android phones and iOS devices.


  • Integrated APIs
  • Customized profiles
  • Sharing
  • Community to engage
  • User-friendly

Connected Alternatives


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16 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: February 17, 2023

iSharing is an online web application and a location-tracking app designed for families and friends to stay connected. It allows users to share their real-time location, set up safe zones, and receive notifications alerts when they enter or leave destination areas. It allows users to send an SOS message to their emergency contacts with just one tap. iSharing provides the best locator service and can be used to track multiple users; also helpful for parents keeping an eye on their…

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