14 Cartoons Like Moominvalley

Moominvalley is a popular British-Finnish animated television series based on beloved characters created by Finnish author and illustrator Tove Jansson. The series follows the adventures of a family of white, hippopotamus-like creatures called Moomins, who live in the idyllic Moominvalley with their friends and neighbors. The show features a beautiful hand-drawn animation style and a gentle, whimsical tone perfect for young audiences.

The show also offers mature themes such as identity, loss, and the importance of family and friends. Moominvalley praises it for its beautiful animation, charming characters, and heartfelt storytelling. Further, the show has won multiple awards and has become a delightful show for kids and adults.


  • Popular animated series
  • Adventure story
  • Hand-drawn animation
  • Mature themes
  • Delightful show

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Updated on: April 7, 2023
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