12 Stores Like MUJI

MUJI is a Japanese wholesale company that sells a variety of household and consumer goods, including clothing, furniture, household appliances, food, and stationery. The name “MUJI” is derived from the Japanese phrase “Mujirushi Ryohin,” which means “no-brand quality goods.” The company’s philosophy is based on simplicity, functionality, and sustainability. MUJI was founded in 1980 in Japan and has since expanded globally with stores in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. The company has become known for its minimalist and functional designs emphasizing quality and affordability. In addition to its retail stores, MUJI has also launched various projects that promote sustainability, including eco-friendly products, recycling programs, and community outreach initiatives. MUJI has received numerous awards and recognition for its innovative and sustainable approach to retail and design.
  • Communications
  • Household
  • Good quality products
  • Simple interface
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Updated on: August 21, 2024

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