16 Anime Like Ketsuekigata-kun!

Ketsuekigata-kun!, also known as Blood Type Boyfriend, is a Japanese anime and manga series that revolves around blood-type personalities. In Japan, it is believed that a person’s blood type determines their personality traits, and this concept has been incorporated into the show’s characters. Each character in Ketsuekigata-kun! Represents a different blood type and their unique personalities are based on the supposed characteristics of that blood type. The show follows the romantic relationships of these characters as they navigate their differences and learn to understand each other. Ketsuekigata-kun! is a lighthearted and humorous take on the idea of blood-type personalities and has gained popularity both in Japan and internationally.


  • Japanese series
  • Romantic story
  • Blood type relation
  • Popular content
  • Unique characters

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Updated on: August 22, 2024

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