14 Blue Apron Alternatives

Blue Apron is a food delivery service that provides customers with pre-measured and portioned ingredients and recipes to create delicious home-cooked meals. The company was established in 2012 and become a popular choice for busy individuals and families who want to eat healthy and tasty meals without the hassle of grocery shopping and meal planning. Blue Apron offers a variety of meal plans, including vegetarian and wellness options, and sources its ingredients from sustainable and responsible farms and suppliers. The company also offers a recycling program to reduce waste and eco-friendly packaging. Further, Blue Apron provides social community and expert guidance to get a dining experience and healthy meal planning.


  • Home-cooked meal
  • Delivery service
  • Eco-friendly packaging
  • Meal planning
  • Quality ingredients

Blue Apron Alternatives

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13 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: March 16, 2023

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