14 Cartoons Like Bluey

Bluey is an Australian animated television series premiered in 2018 and was created by Joe Brumm. The show follows the adventures of a six-year-old Blue Heeler puppy named Bluey, her family, and her friends in the suburban town of Brisbane. The series provides themes of family, friendship, imagination, and educational content that helps young children learn about socialization and problem-solving. Bluey provides heartwarming storylines, relatable characters, and beautiful animation. It has won numerous awards, and the show has also become a cultural phenomenon, book, and even a live stage show. Further, Bluey is a must-watch for children and adults as it provides entertainment and valuable life lessons in equal measure.


  • Australian animated series
  • Popular animated content
  • Friendship themes
  • Heartwarming story
  • Valuable life lesson

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Updated on: April 7, 2023

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