15 CodeSandbox Alternatives

CodeSandbox is an online code editor and development environment primarily used to build web applications. It allows developers to see the output of their code in real time. Multiple users can work on the same sandbox simultaneously. CodeSandbox integrates with popular tools like GitHub, Bitbucket, and CodePen, making it easy to import code and collaborate with others. When the user creates a new sandbox, CodeSandbox automatically installs all the necessary dependencies and libraries for their project. Users can easily share their sandbox with others by generating a URL. It makes sharing your work with colleagues, clients, or friends easy. It allows users to customize the development environment by installing their preferred packages, themes, and extensions.


  • Customization
  • Performance profiling
  • Code sharing
  • Version control

CodeSandbox Alternatives

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13 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: March 1, 2023

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