CSGO: The Dust 2 Callouts 2023 (Updated)

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Christopher Zack


CSGO: The Dust 2 Callouts 2023 (Updated)

Dust 2 is undoubtedly one of the best maps in CSGO, but it was released as a mod in the original CSGO game. Land with your anti-terrorist squad to protect the bomb site while one of you defuse the bomb to win the match. For those who want to learn everything about callouts, the dust two maps are the best as it features simple callouts, unlike other maps.

Developers kept the map simple to balance things between the anti-terrorist squad and terrorists. All the callouts are given on the map, and the font size of their name indicates their importance. Below are all the callouts, along with a guide to using them.

How to use Callouts?

The main function of callouts is to help your teammates by telling them the exact location of the enemy based on the nearest callout location. Pro players advise that you share the callout with your teammate if you are sure about the location.

For those unsure about the location, saying the nearest important callout is better. Knowing callouts in CSGO will increase your chances of winning the match.

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All Dust CS: GO Callouts

All Dust CS GO Callouts

Below are dust two callouts for terrorists and counter-terrorism squads that they can refer to in the voice chat. Once you master these callouts, you will see that your gameplay is much better as you know your surroundings.

A Short – This is the spawn location of the anti-terrorist squad, but it is the shortest route to the original A location for both teams.

T Spawn – The spawn location of terrorists.

T Plat – The ramp which goes from t spawn to b tunnels and has a view at t ramp.

Outside Tunnels – Entrance to b tunnel and the terrorist team have to go through this big space to reach site b.

Upper B Tunnels – the location where terrorists can turn right to reach mid and turn left to go in tunnels to site b.

Lower B Tunnels – Terrorists can reach mid at this point when traveling through tunnels.

Close – the best place to wait for terrorists as they will enter here from upper tunnels, and you can kill them.

B Closet – both terrorist and anti-terrorist teams can hide at this location. Terrorists can reach here through the upper tunnel.

B Car – A car near b closet and those who hide behind are at the B car callout.

Fence – Wall near b site which hides anti-terrorist squad members from terrorists in tunnels.

B Plat – A platform near the bomb planting area of site b and have a view of the entrance of the upper tunnel.

Back Plat – Both teams can hide at this place which is just behind the bomb planting area b.

Big Box – a big box near-site b.

Double Stack – two boxes stacked on each other in site b.

B Default Plant – Bomb planting site for terrorists.

B Window – A window in the brick wall near-site b that you can access by climbing some boxes. This position is best for those who want to defend the b bombsite.

B Back Site – If you are in the tunnels, look ahead, and you will be looking at the B back site, which is just behind the b bomb planting site.

B Doors – An entrance to b site for those coming from CT mid.

B Boxes – Boxes next to the b doors, and you can wait for enemies coming from b site towards CT mid.

Scaffolding – Kill all the site b attackers by waiting near the building material on CT mid opposite to the b window.

CT Mid – An area between spawn location of counter-terrorism squad and site b where a terrorist can enter from mid.

Mid Doors – Doors between actual mid and the CT mid through which terrorists snipe at counter-terrorism squad from their spam location.

Xbox – boxes on the way towards mid from the lower tunnel, and you can reach A short by jumping on these boxes.

Mid – A corridor like a way between mid of counter-terrorist squad spawn and terrorist spawn.

Palm – palm tree at the beginning of the mid which is replaced with a telephone mast.

Top Mid – reach outside mid and suicide spot through this area.

Suicide – a very dangerous but short way to reach mid from terrorist spawn as snipers of counter-terrorism squad, can shoot here from mid doors.

Outside Long – space near long doors on terrorist spawn side of the map which connects A long and long doors.

Long Doors – Terrorists can enter the zone from this place, but counter-terrorists protect this location in most cases. There is a small room between two double doors at this location.

Blue – a crate on the other side of long doors.

Side Pit – a hidden spot near long doors where counter-terrorist squad waits for terrorist.

Pit – it is a slope hidden from a terrorist who use long doors to access the A long.

Pit Plat – a spot near pit for snipers who want to take a shot at a site.

A Long – a corridor for terrorists who are going towards a site through long doors.

A Car – From a long, a car on the right side offers good protection to the counter-terrorism squad.

A Cross – this spot is visible from various areas, including a site, along, and a short.

A Ramp – a slope to go towards a long from a site.

A Default Plant – the default bomb planting location for the site a.

Barrels – barrels behind site a..

Goose – zone with a spray-painted goose on the wall.

Elevator – a corner of the site near the counter-terrorism squad span which they use to retake site A by reaching the platform.

A Platform – a big platform near-site a.

A Ninja – a hiding spot for CTs near a platform where they wait for terrorists to kill them.

Stairs – can be found en route to a short catwalk.

Catwalk – terrorists have to go through this area to reach a short and a site through top mid.

CT Spawn – counter-terrorism squad spawn location near the short and a site.


Surely, after knowing all locations and their names, becoming dominant over your opposing team won’t be difficult. You can take advantage of these locations whether to play a Counter-terrorist team or Terrorist. Find out hidden locations, find components, and defeat them timely to ensure your victory.

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