36 Cartoons Like King of the Hill

King of the Hill is an animated humor aired on Fox from 1997 to 2010. The show revolves around the Hill family, which consists of Hank Hill, his wife Peggy, and their son Bobby, living in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas. King of the Hill is known for its subtle humor, relatable characters, satirical take on American suburban life, and addressing social and cultural issues such as family values, religion, and patriotism. It received critical acclaim for its writing, voice acting, and realistic portrayal of middle-class American families. Despite modest ratings during its original run, King of the Hill has gained a dedicated fan ebase and continues to be appreciated for its wit and authenticity.


  • Animated series
  • Enhance social issues
  • Good storyline
  • Simple interface

King of the Hill Alternatives

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Updated on: April 5, 2023

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