17 Klarna Alternatives

Klarna is a Swedish fintech company that provides various financial services, including payment solutions, banking, and online shopping. The company was founded in 2005 and expanded to over 17 countries, with over 3,000 workers worldwide. One of Klarna’s main offerings is its “buy now, pay later” service, which allows customers to make purchases and pay for them over time with interest-free installments. It also offers a mobile app that lets users keep track of their payments and manage their accounts. Klarna has raised over $3.7 billion in funding to date and was valued at $31 billion in its most recent funding round in June 2021, making it one of the world’s most valuable private fintech companies.


  • Online service
  • Payments transferred
  • Easy to use
  • Management

. Klarna Similar to

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Updated on: April 7, 2023

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