20 Cartoons Like  Mighty Little Bheem

Mighty Little Bheem is an Indian animated children’s television series that first premiered on Netflix in 2019. The show follows the experience of a young boy named Bheem, who has superhuman strength and abilities, and his experiences in the fictional kingdom of Dholakpur. The show is based on the famous Indian character Chhota Bheem, known for his bravery and heroic deeds. Mighty Little Bheem features a younger version of the essence, depicted as a curious and mischievous baby with incredible strength and an insatiable appetite. Mighty Little Bheem’s show is unique because it has no dialogue and relies solely on visual storytelling and music to convey its story.


  • Entertainment
  • Lessons
  • Learning Series
  • Discover self abilities

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Updated on: June 13, 2023

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