19 Apps Like Mouse Jiggler

Mouse Jiggler is a built-in software program that helps prevent users’ computers from entering sleep mode or lock screen mode due to inactivity. It works by simulating the movement of the mouse cursor at random intervals. It helps perform multiple tasks, such as large file downloads, software installations, or presentations that require a constantly running computer. Mouse Jiggler offers easy to use and simple interface to access quickly and customize to fit users’ specific needs. Overall, Mouse Jiggler is a simple and effective tool that saves time and hassle by preventing computer from going into sleep mode and improving performance and productivity.


  • Software app
  • Perform multiple tasks
  • Easy to access
  • Customized tools
  • Improve performance

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Updated on: March 19, 2023

6: MouseController

  MouseController is a software program that allows users to control their computers through hand movements and gestures without needing a physical mouse. The software uses advanced sensor technology to track the activities of the user's hand and convert them into on-screen actions. MouseController is an innovative technology with many benefits, including increased productivity and ease of use. The tool offers a user-friendly interface for individuals to access quickly and interact with their computers. MouseController is a versatile and adaptable…

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