14 Cartoons Like Octonauts

The Octonauts is a British animated television series aimed at young children. It is based on a series of books by Vicki Wong and Michael C. Murphy. The show follows the adventures of a team of eight underwater creatures, including Captain Barnacles, the polar bear, Kwazii the cat, Peso the penguin, and Shellington, the sea otter, as they explore the ocean and help marine animals in need. Each show episode features the Octonauts on a mission to help a different distressed animal. It uses a range of high-tech gadgets and vehicles to explore the ocean depths, including the GUP-A, GUP-B, and GUP-X, all designed for different purposes.


  • Shows
  • Adventures
  • Mission to help
  • User interface

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Updated on: March 29, 2023

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