17 tuneXplorer Alternatives

tuneXplorer helps find the Key of songs and their BPM value with great efficiency. After analyzing the Key and BPM of audio songs, we can save them for later use in popular music softwares. Optimization for the latest multi-core CPU ensures significant performance gain. It’s entire music library can be processed in minutes. tuneXplorer supports widespread audio formats including MP3, AIFF, OGG, WAV, and M4C etc. This app provides some nice features, such as ID3 tags support which has the latest ID3v2.4 and ID3v2.3 standards to save BPM and Key values inside MP3 and AIFF audio files.


  • Excellent Scalability
  • Functional on windows
  • Key Detection
  • BPM Detection
  • Audio tap Support

tuneXplorer Alternatives

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tuneXplorerAlternatives Information

15 Alternatives Listed
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Updated on: December 6, 2022

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