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Usupso is a Japanese lifestyle brand that offers a wide range of products, including stationery, home decor, accessories, and clothing. The brand was founded in 1984 and has since expanded to over 200 stores in Japan and other countries. The name “Usupso” comes from the combination of two Japanese words, “usu” meaning thin, and “paso” meaning light, which reflects the brand’s focus on producing lightweight and minimalist products. These products are known for their unique designs, high quality, and affordability. Some of the most popular products from Usupso include animal-shaped mugs, character-themed stationery, and individual home decor items. The brand also offers a range of fashion accessories, such as bags, phone cases, and jewelry.


  • Various products
  • Clothing
  • Latest designs
  • Fashions accessories
  • Satisfied and affordable

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Updated on: March 31, 2023

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